
Jeremiah Bolich has three driving passions in ministry; the Message, the Bible and the Church. The Message of the Gospel is Jesus Christ, He is the good news to a lost and dying world. Every sermon preached and lesson taught has at its core the person of Jesus Christ. The Bible is the standard of that message, it reveals and speaks as the primary vehicle of the message. The Bible is the written Word that extends from the Living Word; therefore to get into Jesus, we get into His Word. The Church is the body of Christ and the visible image of an invisible Jesus to our world. As Jesus was, we are to be. The life He lived, we are to live. What was taking place in Him, is to take place in us. We are his body called the Church and our life is to be found building up and being sent forth from it.

Jeremiah travels full time in itinerant ministry. Itinerant means to travel from place to place and since his call to ministry in 1995, this is exactly what Jeremiah has done. Before and during his undergraduate and graduate work at Olivet Nazarene University, Jeremiah traveled and preached at churches, camps, retreats, conferences and any place that would give him pulpit to share the the Message. Jeremiah has continued his itinerant ministry since graduating from Olivet in 1999 and today travels with his wife Karenda and his two kids, Curtis Jeremiah (CJ) and Ellayna Kami Lashell (Lani).