Recreational Marijuana
Disc Golf
I took up playing disc golf a couple years ago. Having worked in teen ministry over the past 18 years, I was familiar with throwing frisbees in baskets. What I had never witnessed was watching a Professional Disc-golfer make a disc fly like it was on a remote control. So, after being exposed to the “next level” play of the sport, I became thoroughly hooked!
I quickly learned that “casual” play and recreation marijuana use, often times, go hand-in-hand. In fact, it’s unfortunately common to play a round of disc golf and bump into a friendly group of disc-golfing, pot-spoking, locals at your local disc golf park. Therefore, although I support the sport and encourage regular play and practice, I would advise that you prepare yourself to encounter this sub-culture in the disc-golfing community.
After playing a few months at my home course in Nashville, TN, my local club caught wind that I was a preacher. I’ve made several friends and have handed out quite a few of our Jesus Saves Par disc golf t-shirts. They have accepted me as part of their group and have become comfortable enough to chat about the topic of my life-style. On the disc golf course, at least where I am playing, religion and golfing take up quite a bit of the conversation.
Among the conversations that have taken place between me and my “pot-smoking” locals, is the open dialogue about marijuana use. I have heard all the religious perspectives about marijuana, from it being a “seed-bearing plant” that God has blessed, to it being a religious experience that opens your mind in a special way to God. Some ideas are strange, others border on extreme, while most are simply bazar.
Yet most of the guys I play with are not bad guys. They’re fun, polite, and accepting. They’re friendly, honest, and look forward to beating me (if they can) whenever I’m in town to play. And up to this point, they’ve politely tolerated my views on marijuana use.
The High School Years
Most of my experience with marijuana comes from my high school years. When you think of a Hoodlum, or “Hood” as it was called in my day, you might think of the mullet-wearing, jean-jacket with the Metallica back-patch sporting, cigarette toting, pot-reeking teenager. If you can force the images to remain in your mind, this was what I looked like for most of the late 80’s.
No… That’s not me!
A lot has changed in my life since that time, and more than just my hair style - I no longer recreationally (or medically for that matter - I’m a healthy guy) use marijuana.
Now, before you jump to any conclusions, let me tell what I’ve told my disc-golfing buddies.
A Word from The Word
Revelation 9:21
Nor did they repent of their murders, their magic arts, their sexual
immorality or their thefts.
Revelation 21:7-8
He who overcomes will inherit all this, and I will be his God and he will be my son.
But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually
immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all
liars—their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur.
This is the second death.
Revelation 22:14-15
Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the
tree of life and may go through the gates into the city. Outside are the
dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the
murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and
practices falsehood.
3 times in Revelation the phrase ~magical arts~ is used.
the context
In chapter 9, those who did not repent where those who used magical arts. In chapter 21, those who practice magical arts are not children of God, but objects of God’s wrath. In chapter 22, those who practice magical arts will not be granted the right to eat of the Tree of Life (consistent language used throughout the Bible describing salvation), nor will they be permitted into the city (Heaven), but remain outside (Hell).
The context is clear: those who practice magical arts are always among those who are rebellious (do not repent), not children of God, and will not be those who spend eternity with Jesus in His Heavenly City.
the phase
So what are ~magical arts~ ??
The Greek word translated “magical arts” is the term φάρμακοwν, pronounced phar-ma-kown. You may recognize this word when you pronounce it. It’s closely associated and linked to our word Pharmaceuticals. This word was used in three basic ways in Jesus’ day:
- a harmful drug, poison
- a drug used as a controlling medium, magic potion, charm
- a healing remedy, medicine, remedy, drug
Two of the three uses of this word are obvious. Definition (1) is used to describe poison. Definition (3) is used to describe medicinal remedies. Definition (2) needs some explanation...
The word φάρμακοwν, when not used to describe (1) harmful intentions, or (3) medicinal purposes, only has one other use: Definition (2) Sorcery (King James Version), Witchcraft (New Living Translation), and Magic Arts (New International Version). In other words, when not trying to poison or heal someone, the only other use is associated with Sorcery, Witchcraft, and the Occult.
the problem
So what does the phrase ~magical arts~ have to do with Marijuana?
It’s really not that difficult. Christians, children of God, believers, those filled with the Holy Spirit, ...those who will one day leave this planet and spend eternity in Heaven with not use any pharmaceutics, including marijuana, in a recreational or non-medicinal context (...meaning smoking pot to get high...).
As always, the above expressed is not the opinions, ideas, or desires of Jeremiah Bolich (~ me ~), but the Truth as we believe the Bible contains it.
His Alone,
Jeremiah Bolich